Changing the Subject: Foucault’s Ongoing Legacy in Educational Research, Theory, and Practice
Volume 6, Issue 1 / Spring 2021
Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue
Liberal Humanism, Social Science, and the Discursive Legacy of the “Human” in English Education by Karen Zaino
Using Foucault to Examine Current U.S. Sex Education Policy by Jane Quinn
Mindful Subjects: The Disciplinary Power of Mindfulness in Schools by Jennifer Dauphinais
The Physics of Power: Stories of Panopticism at Two Levels of the School System by Noah Jefferson and Margaret Smith-Peterson
Stitching Together More Expansive Latinx Teacher Self/ves: Movidas of Rasquache and Spaces of Counter-Conduct in El Sur Latinx by Timothy Monreal
[Re]imagining Puerto Rican Liberation by Daicy Diaz-Granados
Book Review: Data Feminism by Rafaan Daliri-Ngametua and Madeline Good